It’s been an exciting few days for Star Wars fans. First came the leaked teaser trailer for the upcoming Battlefront II title. Then it was The Last Jedi’s turn to set the internet ablaze. Now, we’ve finally seen the full length trailer for SW: Battlefront II and know the game’s PC release date.
The Star Wars Celebration 2017, which ran from April 13 – 16 in Orlando, FL, saw the official release of the game’s trailer, expanding on the leaked (and now deleted) footage that arrived earlier in the week.
We now know that the single-player campaign puts you in control of Iden Versio, commander of Inferno Squad, which is described by the official website as “an Imperial special forces unit equally lethal on the ground and in space.”
The solo experience takes place just after Return of the Jedi, in the aftermath of the second Death Star’s destruction. The story bridges the gap between the last movie in the original trilogy and The Force Awakens, which is set around 30 years later.
Players won’t be limited to controlling Versio in the campaign. The game will at points switch perspectives, placing you in the role of famous characters such as Luke Skywalker and Kylo Ren.
The site also reveals when we can expect to see Battlefront II on PC. Pre-order content relating to The Last Jedi suggested the launch would come just before the movie’s December release. It seems this is the case; Battlefront II is coming to PC on November 17.
(via Techspot)