Misadventure awaits! Disenchantment, the new series from The Simpsons creator Matt Groening, tells the story of Bean (voiced by Abbi Jacobson – Lego Ninjago Movie), a princess who looks a bit like a younger, bucktooth white-haired Marge Simpson. She’s joined by her elf friend Elfo (Nat Faxon) and her personal demon Luci (Eric Andre).
In the new trailer, we see more of the medieval kingdom of Dreamland. We also discover Bean is being forced to wed a rather stupid prince by her father, the King (John DiMaggio).
Instead she runs away with her elf pal and a demon to take charge of her own destiny. And of course, there are plenty of ogres, sprites, imps, and other fantasy creatures amongst the humans, which will most likely result in some rather hilarious hi-jinks.
Disenchantment’s cast also includes voice actors Billy West, Maurice LaMarche, Tress MacNeille, David Herman, Matt Berry, Jeny Batten, Rich Fulcher, Noel Fielding, and Lucy Montgomery.
Disenchantment arrives on Netflix on Aug. 17.