Greta Thunberg: A Year to Change the World

‘Greta Thunberg: A Year To Change The World’ is a revealing three-part series that follows Greta as she steps from behind the podium and onto the front lines, exploring the science as she travels to extraordinary locations across the globe, meeting leading climate scientists, witnessing first hand the consequences of climate change and confronting the complexity of what is required to make change happen.

“This was a huge opportunity for me to actually get to learn, and to visit these places that you only dream of visiting and to talk to people you only dream of talking to,” said Greta.

“To actually to get to learn things like seeing first-hand the effects of the climate crisis, but also to explore the possible solutions to it, and talk to people who are very much on the front line and have been leading this fight for so long.”

Greta Thunberg travels from the World Economic Forum in Switzerland to Poland, where she speaks with miners who have lost their jobs. She also meets with a figure who has been an inspiration to her, Sir David Attenborough.

‘Greta Thunberg: A Year To Change The World’ is available on BBC iPlayer and PBS.

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