Solo: A Star Wars Story - Official Teaser

The new teaser trailer for Solo: A Star Wars Story

During the Super Bowl, Lucasfilm released a brief teaser for Solo: A Star Wars Story, saying that a full trailer was coming today. The teaser showed off a new-looking Millennium Falcon, Donald Glover as Lando Calrissian, Chewbacca, and Alden Ehrenreich as Han Solo. This morning, ABC’s Good Morning America dropped the promised full trailer.

This full trailer shows off the origins of one of Star Wars’ most iconic heroes: Han Solo. In it, Ehrenreich’s Solo says that he’s been running scams since he was a kid, was kicked out of a flight academy for “having a mind of my own,” and says that he wants to be the best pilot in the galaxy. He meets with Woody Harrelson’s new character Beckett, who tells him that he’s putting together a crew.

Like Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, the trailer for Solo lends a new vibe to the Star Wars universe. This has much more of a gangster / heist flick vibe, with plenty of gunfights, crazy flying, and harrowing escapes along the way.

The film had a rough production: midway through its shoot, Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy fired directors Christopher Miller and Phil Lord due to differing creative visions for the film, and replaced them with Apollo 13 director Ron Howard, who filmed extensive reshoots.

Regardless of the production troubles, a prequel film about the origins of Han Solo is a concept that has made even the most die-hard fans of the franchise wary. Star Wars’ troubled history with prequels combined with the feeling that Lucasfilm is telling a story that doesn’t necessarily need to be told (never mind that this exact story has been told in the now non-canon Expanded Universe) means that expectations for the film will be high. This trailer does help ease some of the worries that have built up along the way about the status of the film and the story, but it will have to really nail one central question: do we really need a Han Solo prequel? We’ll find out when the film hits theaters on May 25th, 2018

(via The Verge)

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